Thursday, February 24, 2011

Larisa Responds to Enid about Ghosts!

Not a theory but random thoughts. My family used to move a lot, most of the time to houses that had a previous owner. When you have a new house its like there are no stories in its walls, well… maybe the walls will 'tell' you that the construction team was awful. Anyway, a new house, it might be like a blank sheet but when you move to an old house, it’s like it has wrinkles, stories attached to it; you might wonder who lived there, about their lives and what happened in what’s your new home. Our “emotional side”, our thoughts, are really powerful and it would be interesting if they left a trace, if our memories or our thoughts would get attached to “past places” or interact with them.

I remembered a documentary done by Alain Resnais, Night and Fog, where he films a concentration camp 10 years after it was occupied; the filming goes along with a narration that comes from testimonies. Imagine if the experiences that took place in the camp and memories were attached to it? I can’t imagine what people went through in concentration camps, the stories that happened there and where they 'stay', if they do, quietly or unknown.

I also remembered some lines from a movie titled, Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives. They present a different point, but are nonetheless beautiful in their own way:

Husband: After I’m dead, where should my spirit go to look for you?
In Heaven?

Ghost-wife: Heaven is overrated, there is nothing there. Ghosts aren’t attached to places, but to people.

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