Saturday, March 12, 2011


Here's the full schedule for tomorrow's Monster Drawing Rally. Make sure not to miss your favorite artists!

Remember to set your clocks ahead - daylight savings time begins Sunday.


Todd Bourret
Jude Broughan
Brad Darcy
Gabe Farrar
Ellis Gallagher
Malia Jensen
Jeffrey Lewis
Jen Liu
Marci MacGuffie
Brian O'Connell
Rick Parker
Liliana Perez
Michael Rex
Tara Romeo
Walter Patrick Smith


Leesa Abahuni
Nicole Abahuni
Pilar Conde
Jenelle Covino
Caroline England
Rachel Foullon
James Gulliver Hancock
Gary Leib
Brian Leo
James Leonard
Matt Magee
Rachel Mason
Tom Motley
Annie Shaw
Hedi Sorger
Molly Stevens
Tania Torres-Sanchez


Amina Ahmed
Lauren Barnett
Susan Bee
Anthony Bianco
Rodney Dickson
Tim Dowse
Mimi Gross
Cathrin Hoskinson
Chris Leib
Lia Lowenthal
Rebekah Maysles
Adriano Moraes
Bill Roundy
Cynthia Ruse
Satyakam Saha
Sam Seawright
Sam Thurman
Gabriela Vainsencher
Jack Walsh
Michael Wilson


Katelyn Altgilbers
Sarah Bostwick
Scott Calhoun
Barb Choit
Amanda Friedman
Emily Friend Roberts
Jean-Francois Hebert
Tina Hejtmanek
Patrick Keesey
L. Brandon Krall
Jillian Maslow
Meridith Pingree
Karin Schaefer
Jen Schwarting
R Sikoryak
Matt Stolle
Boris Torres
Phil Vanderhyden
Kai Vierstra
JP Villegas
Karla Wozniak

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I need some information on one of the artist above. If you can offer and information please email at
    A reply would be greatly appreciated!
